So Dave started a business back in December called Hammer It Down, he does siding, tile and finishing work. In addition he also has a full time job as a machinist and is the sexton at a local cemetery. Sorry, but I giggle everytime I get to use that word.
Anyway, his business has really taken off leaving me alone a lot with our fantastically brilliant almost 3 year old. He is boy number 5 and this one is being raised a lot different than any of our others. We have a combined family, with both Dave and I being widowed so the, lets call it management of the older boys can be somewhat tricky and they know how to play their cards.
I have been on both sides of the fence, staying at home and working full time and I will NOT speak to either one because I have no opinion other than you should do what is best for YOUR family.
I hope to share some of my daily “moments” as a means for us to get to know each other better and for you to realize that there is no perfect anything.
For starters, this is Tayson hiding because he refuses to let me change him. Its about 7:30 pm and I don’t have any energy to try to chase him down. He has also found a bag of Sour Patch Watermelons in his older brothers room which I have to keep him out of but he recently figured out how to open the baby gate so here we are. What to do? At my age you’ve learned, or if you haven’t I suggest chilling out that its not worth the battle and I just wait until he decides to come out from behind the chair.
I spent most of my day outside chasing Tayson around, he would live in the yard if we let him. We have our home for sale so I try to make the most of my time being outside and today this entailed weeding.
I have an amazing mother, and she LOVES to do yard work which I am certain is genetic and not one of the chromosomes that I got. I hate gardening with a passion and would rather clean a bathroom.
As Im weeding Im thinking to myself that this is just really stupid. I have all these amazing weeds that need hardly any water that are growing like crazy and what do I do, pull them all up and replace them with plants that I cant keep alive.
And who decided what is considered to be appropriate in a flower bed and what isn’t? Seems like a mad money making scheme if you ask me. How many pots of decorative “grasses” to you see at Lowe’s? Yet here I am pulling everything out that looks just like it.
Look at these, they even have little flowers and are growing like crazy all over my yard but some genius with a PhD decided its a weed so Im out here pulling them up.
Perhaps Ill make a fresh salad for my goats. What a waste of time really……
aLilLacey says
I love weeding! I find it to be quite therapeutic. Quiet time to think or listen to an audiobook and a quick easy way to make something look nice and pleasing to the eye. I like your goats. I didn't know you had them!
Amy Jorgensen says
Glad I saved that gene for mom to give you!