Covid-19 is more than just a respiratory virus… this virus is attacking our mental health without you being exposed directly to it.
It has been over a YEAR since I have made a blog post. As I looked back over some of my posts I was amazed at myself. How far my personal growth has come since I started my social media platform after my daughter past away in 2017. I feel like the only thing that is the same about me is that I still hate weeding.
Here we are in the middle of a global pandemic and I am NOT about to let this take me back to the beginning of my battle. But how? I literally feel like I am on a rollercoaster without any type of braking system and it’s missing seatbelts.

What am I doing to keep my mental health in check?
1) Accepting that this is not the only time in the history of the world that a pandemic has happened and society as a whole survived it.
2) I typically imagine things to be a lot worse than they are. In those moments that I feel like everything is crumbling around me, I know I am a survivor. Everything is not always “okay” but I always come out of everything “okay.”
3) It could be a lot worse! We have never had the technology, modern living conveniences or ability to fight this at the level we have today. In 1918 the US was hit with the Spanish Flu while fighting a World War, no thanks…
4) Keeping things as routine as I can, if that’s possible. I work in the food manufacturing industry so I am still going to work everyday. I keep my routine from my wake up teeth brushing to my daily schedule as routine as possible to give me something normal to grasp onto.
5) Recognizing that I may have to create new routines that work with my current situation. I needed some extra routines and added things I normally would not do before to give me a sense of stability.
6) Realize that is it okay if the only thing that you come out of this with is humility. You don’t need to pick up a new hobby, read a million books or become a professional homeschool teacher or gourmet chef.
The biggest thing I will be taking away from this historical event is a clearer understanding of why my grandmother rinsed and reused zip-lock bags.