We have our minds, our entire existence wrapped around one thing, a virus. When really our focus should be on a parasite. This parasite is called, “fear” and it is causing humanity to be in a state of chaos.
Regardless of where you are in the pandemic, what your opinion or stand is on any issue, it is based off of one thing, fear. You are fearful that you will get the virus, you are fearful that wrong choices are being made, you are fearful of the vaccine, you are fearful of people who refuse to get the vaccine, you are fearful of long term effects of masks or fearful of those who refuse to wear masks.
This fear is dividing our society, causing many to drift further and further from our ultimate purpose of compassion and service. We are letting the parasite feed off of our social media posts, disrespect for each other’s opinions and the constant push of feeling “force” into believing that there is ultimately only one truth.
The more we engage in behaviors that are belittling, negative and argumentative the more we set ourselves up to attracted more confrontation and more negativity. You are what you believe, you attract how you are acting, you become a magnet for exactly what you are projecting. Living in fear, attracts more fear.
If you are living in fear, change this to acceptance. Accept that these are uncertain times and that there have been many of the same events through the history of humanity. This is the ebb and flow of life. When you accept that you have zero control over anything but your own self you start to find peace. You start to find harmony in change and realize that this is all part of the cyclic system we live in.
You do NOT have to lose yourself in the chaos. Take a step back, be thankful, find gratitude in the small things. We still live in a beautiful time, in fact there is no better time in history to live through a pandemic. Simply think of how much harder this would be without some of our modern day conveniences, technology, running water, indoor pluming, carpet the list can go on and on.
Shift your focus to what is going right, shift your focus to gratitude and peace. Let others live for themselves and you focus on acceptance and things that bring you back to your own place of feeling centered and balanced.