Three Years Ago…
I was so lost I wanted to die. I resisted being placed on medication but finally gave in because I felt like I was becoming a psychopath in a horror film.
It was a blessing; the anti-depressant, anxiety concoction slowed my mind down enough that I could get in control of my thoughts.
Just after starting my meds, I ran across energy work by accident and thought it was “hocus pocus” nonsense.
Well, you can’t ignore when you’re being sent intuitive messages or you can anger your ancestors… which I also would have thought was utterly irrational until they started talking to me. Then my daughter chimed in…
When someone tells me that it isn’t fair, or they don’t have the gift or whatever made-up excuse they have for why they don’t believe their body is an energy source they can control, I feel empathy for them.
Don’t believe me? It’s not your fault you see; you once had this connection and society beat it out of you. You were taught that using your imagination was childish and you needed to grow up. Toxic phrase by toxic phrase you became a lost, perhaps even miserable adult.
Your imagination is the key to your intuitive lock. If you allow yourself to believe this, you can open yourself up to bliss and happiness.
For those that are stuck in negative core beliefs around religious conflicts and energy work, let me remind you Christ was the master choreographer of the soul’s energy.
Of course, you can still continue to choose to live in a cognitive state focused on your limited physical body and all the depression and restrictions that come with it…
That is the beauty of this life, we are all in a different space in our journey and your reality is always yours to create.