For those that are impressed with education, I have a Bachelors Degree in some kind of Aviation Science Technology, a fancy title for a pilot. A Masters Degree in Education Leadership and I also completed my entire PhD up to my dissertation, however while working thought some marital issues my previous spouse took his life so I had to refocus on life.
In addition to some expensive paper degrees I was also a KC-135 pilot in the USAF, business owner of a successful easy to prepare direct sales food mix business that I later sold that the new owners ran into the ground. You have to have passion for what your doing and they missed the mark. I currently have the best job ever as a quality assurance specialist for a huge worldwide company and I work with an amazing team!
I have remarried and together Dave and I have two additional children, Dave is also widowed and we lost our baby at 26 days old to CHD (congenital heart disease). Dave has a son from his previous marriage who is also married and I have two teenage boys from my first marriage. Without going into details, you can read my blog posts for that, you should just know that life has been a far cry from being easy and I have quickly learned that you are never exempt from anything no matter what you have already been through.
Having experienced just about everything from family members being addicted to narcotics, meth, drugs, alcohol, you name it, to having had an eating disorder myself, multiple close family or friends that have taken their own life to being an angel mom, is there anything else? I don’t know but you should just get the point that I am no “traditional mom”.
I am also a life coach and I FOCUS on those that are not perfect, you know why? Because you are absolutely without a doubt your biggest resource. I’m talking about you, the person who has made some really big mistakes and is trying to pick up the pieces. I know how it feels to sit in a chapel felling alone and judged. Our culture can be harsh and we fell like we have to “hide” anything that happens to us that is not part of a “perfect family” story.
So join me, I’m here to build you up, show you how to laugh again and reach the potential that is simply slightly out of your reach!